Saturday, September 29, 2012

I Wish Someone Told Me

I wish someone told me
Life was going to be this way

I wish someone told me
Struggles were not going, were here to stay

I wish someone told me
I always had to be strong

I wish someone told me
I had to wipe my own tears and sing myself my own song

I wish someone told me
He doesn't live up there anymore

I wish someone told me
Prayers of only the mean are answered,
Being nice has a reward no more.

I wish someone told me
Stars that shine are balls of fire

I wish someone told me
Toiling it out is all you do, leaving behind all desire.

I wish someone told me
I wish someone did
I wish someone told me
Life was like this, and will also be.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

Friday, September 14, 2012

Union of Souls

Can you hear the waves kissing the shore
The gentle love they make today

Can you feel the joy of the butterfly
As it mates with the blossoming rose

Can you see the birds twitter away
Fondling together as one soul

Can you smell the chocolate as it melts
Becoming one with the ice cream cone

Oh can you taste the salty tears, as they run down your happy eyes?
Are your senses aware of my existence, around you, forever, even when I'm no more!

I wonder

I wonder
Wonder why the eyes fill with tears
Why the throat chokes when the heart cries
I wonder why certain things never change no matter how earnestly you pray
Why do we trust people only to be bertrayed not once but again n again

I wonder why we hide our deepest sorrow
Why deep inside
Our souls are lonely and sad

I wonder why true love doesn't exist
Why relations are nothing but bounderies to your free will

I wonder when I see happy faces
Wonder how much pain they hide so cleverly

I wonder when I see
Gestures of kindness
Wonder what selfish motives are behind it

I wonder why I live
Why all this sorrow doesn't take me!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sing a Song My Heart Says

Sing a song my heart says
Sing it loud and clear
Sing to yourself tunes of happiness
Sing them so that I can hear

Sing of butterflies that touch the roses
Sing of skies so bright and blue
Sing of early morning birds that fly
Sing them so that I can smile

Sing a song my heart says
Sing it loud and clear
Sing to yourself tunes of happiness
Sing them so that I can hear

Sing today of little kids, who fly big bright kites
Sing of the paper boat that swims, against every tide
Sing of the moon bright in the night
Sing them to me tonight

Sing a song my heart says
Sing it loud and clear
Sing to yourself tunes of happiness
Sing them so that I can hear

Sing until your eyes cry
Sing until it makes you smile
Sing to me, sing to me

Sing a song my heart says
Sing it loud and clear